Thursday, August 21, 2014

Portlandia: A Photo Essay

Portland, Oregon. A city so great, it has its own goddess: Portlandia.

Portland is, without doubt, the most beautiful city I've ever seen.

This sight is a common scene in the suburbs.

Portland blends old, older, new, and future perfectly.

Portland is like that eccentric uncle: it has a strange style, an abundance of interesting stories, never quite fits in, but you wouldn't have it any other way.

Did I say that Portland is weird? I think the person who tied his plastic unicorn to the street would agree.

On a random street, you might find a couple of perfectly working typewriters set out for public use.

We have views like this.

They're everywhere.

And they never get old.

Portland photo safaris often turn into flower photo safaris.

This is a common occurrence.

It's actually quite alarming.

It happens nine times out of ten.

There's a good reason we're called the Rose City.

We have fountains in the middle of the city.

My use of the plural is not mistaken.

These fountains are also really common.

This is the second one on the western waterfront alone.

We also have the nations largest continually operating outdoors market.

This thing is massive; I can get maybe a third of it into one photo.

No amount of photographic skill can capture just how good this smells.

These food carts are the best eats in town; in a city of foodies, that is saying something.

We love bicycles. It's only partially a joke to say that Portland is the most European city.

We can travel all over in Portland: one minute, you're in Japan...

and the next you're in China!

Then, all of a sudden, you're in Narnia!

Portland does get some things backwards; rather than build a parking garage over a public square, it built a public square where there used to be a parking garage.

Psst! It turns out that UP! was a documentary!

John Oliver said it best: "We get it, Oregon, you people live in a cartoon." Yes we do, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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