Thursday, January 1, 2015

Supergalactic Girlfriends / The Legend of Barnes

Over the last term, I've been involved in a few performances. First, I've had two brief appearances on the DuckTV show Supergalactic Girlfriends, created by Alex Crowson. My two lines consisted of a pair of silly science jokes: below is the second episode, in which I make my appearance during the very first shot. I'm the guy who says "If I've told you once, I've told you a saintly six-point-zero-two-two times ten-to-the-twenty-third times." The punchline, which is inaudible, is "Holy Moly."

I also appeared recently in the Pocket Playhouse for the show written by Bryce Bivens and directed by Toressa Moretti and Kelsey Ketcham, called the Legend of Barnes. The play is loosely based on The Legend of Zelda video game franchise, and the majority of the play is set inside a video game in which the main character fights to save The Prince (who resembles his now ex-boyfriend from the real world). It is a story of self-empowerment and finding self-worth, but is, at heart, an absurdist comedy. I played a Non-player Character, or NPC, in the game world, as part of an ensemble. I played a castle soldier, a spiked monster (see below), and a character who was strongly based off of the happy mask salesman from the Zelda franchise.

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